Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quote of the Day


I know it's sort of petty to actively root for a film's failure, especially when the star of said film has made you laugh many times in the past, but I have to admit that I really, really want Mike Myer's new comedy The Love Guru to be an immense disaster. It probably won't be since every time I see the damned trailer in the theater it's met with inexplicable laughter, so it'll probably do well, but I wish it failure all the same. And you know why? Because of this quote from Mike Myers in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly:

"'Dave Foley said about me — which I love, greatest quote ever — that it's dumb comedy done by smart people,'' Myers told EW. ''What Jerry Seinfeld said about me is that I've managed to break the rules of all American parody: I parody things that Americans don't even know. It's been said of me that I can do comedy where comedy hadn't previously existed.'"

I mean, forget "Seize the day" and "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"... that quote of Dave Foley's about your brilliance is indeed the Greatest Quote Ever! I mean, retch. Get a fucking grip, Mike. You are not Peter Sellers, and you're never gonna be Peter Sellers. Anyway, because of my newfound desire to see MM fail spectacularly just this once, this quote from Harry Knowles' review/evisceration of The Love Guru made me chuckle:

"... there were 4 ladies sitting to my left that actually laughed throughout the film. They were literally alone. They were middle-aged and seemingly lucid. I can not account for their reactions."

Hee. I'm gonna do my part by supporting the lovely Anne Hathaway and Steve Carrell and Dwayne Johnson this weekend, and I recommend y'all do the same. Viva Get Smart!



RJ said...

I wish Get Smart would trounce the Love Guru . . . but I don't know if it will happen.

P.S. Dwayne Johnson is not my type at all but DAMN

J.D. said...

Get Smart FTW, tyvm.

Bea said...

You know, I've heard for YEARS what a douche Mike Myers is. But I never wanted to believe it. Because: "So I Married An Axe Murderer." Also, Dieter. But ugh. I guess I'll just have to accept it.