Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eric Bana Is A Funny Person! Remember?


Aha! Here's one of them stories that happened last week that I forgot about! Thankfully DH reminds me today:

"Eric Bana, Jason Schwartzman and Jonah Hill have all officially joined the cast of Judd Apatow's next directing vehicle "Funny People" for Universal Pictures.

According to Variety, Apatow says the movie takes place in the world of standup comedy and the focus is on a comedian who has a near-death experience.

Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Leslie Mann joined the cast earlier this year. Production begins in mid-September in Los Angeles."

Eric Bana's doing an Apatow comedy! Finally I can see his comic-chops, which he's squirreled away since becoming an American movie star. I can't wait.

Of course... this is an Apatow movie... and Eric Bana is nobody's schlub. So that worries me that he'll be some sort of boorish villain or something. Because good guys don't have pecs like these!

This cast is... well, a little much though, isn't it? Those are a lot of funny people (and Adam Sandler) crowding the screen. I hope Apatow's success, and the obvious clamoring by actors to get into one of his flicks, doesn't overwhelm what's worked so well so far. Simplicity (and an epic running time)! We shall see...

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