Monday, May 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

Everything coming up Spielberg this morning! After reading a trio of reviews for Indiana Jones and the Case of the Crystal Pepsi over at AICN - they ranged from liked to loved to Harry Knowles - I stumble upon this quote from Laura Dern (via, via) regarding a fourth Jurassic Park film:

"It isn't just speculation. It's a while away, but my understanding is it's happening and my character is very involved. I know Steven Spielberg is looking forward to getting it together over the next year."

I wasn't that crazy about the third film either - Tea Leoni's shrieky, unbearable performance overwhelmed the film's two major positives (those being the Pterodactyls and Alessandro Nivola's snug everything) - but that doesn't mean I don't want a fourth film. The idea's simple enough - An island filled with dinosaurs. Go. - for a dozen fun movies as far as I'm concerned. Why they felt the need to spice things up by putting guns on the dino's heads I'll never understand. Just keep it simple, people. You have dinosaurs! They are intrinsically awesome!

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