If you haven't seen the trailer yet, click here. I caught it online over the weekend, and it's terrific, has me more amped up for the flick than before, but there was one thought that struck me while watching it that I really hope we get the answer to:
Was Heath Ledger purposefully making himself
sound exactly like David Lynch?
sound exactly like David Lynch?
Go back and listen to the trailer, then click over here to hear Lynch speak. They have the exact same voices. Did Heath ever say anything about this before he died? I have to go digging and see, I can't remember if he did. But that nasally mid-western twang is bonafide Lynch.
If I'm not nuts and Lynch was indeed Ledger's vocal inspiration, it sort of reminds me of the off-center choice Johnny Depp made to use Keith Richards as the basis for a certain pirate performance. Only cooler.
They only sound alike if you're not that familiar with David Lynch's voice.
I'd say some of the vocal tics are the same, but the voice that Ledger is using is a bit lower and more growly than Lynch's.
That was actually the most coherent I've ever heard Lynch, in the few Q&A's I've been to with him, he was oblique to the point of frustration.
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