Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Shameful admission ahead...

So I somehow ended up watching my first bit of Gossip Girl last night. What can I say - the boyfriend had the television on Dancing With The Stars and I grabbed the remote and panicked. But there was my Dawnie, Michelle Trachtenberg, getting her bitch on... and I couldn't look away. Dear Buddha let me not get sucked into this show. But, judging by what I've seen on the show, last night's episode marked a swerve into Melrose Place territory right? And if there's one sad empty hole in my life - there are many, but let's just stay theoretical here and speak of one - it's the place Melrose Place left unoccupied in my life. I didn't even know who any of these bland-faced preppie characters were, so the full effect of whatever drama was occuring was lost on me, but... I did enjoy it. I could see the camp possibilities, let's say, and I've got my fingers crossed that they go for it.

In this week's EW the show's producer, Josh Schwartz of "The O.C." infamy, says they won't be getting all outrageous for outrageous sake, and all I can say to that is BOO. Shut up, Josh Schwartz; you brought the plague of Mischa upon us for awhile there.

I want outrageous. I want Michelle Trachtenberg ripping off her wig and running down somebody in their wedding dress. And I want it now.

ETA Just cuz writing this got me thinking about it... here's a clip that includes the wonder that was Sydney being run over by an out-of-control car while posing for pictures in her wedding dress in front of the church on her wedding night (love it!):




Joe Reid said...

HA! Who's looking down on me for watching Gossip Girl now, huh?

Jason Adams said...

I should've known in advance that Michelle Trachtenberg would suck me in. Plus all the "Oh my god that's my neighborhood" spotting.

Unknown said...

Gossip Girl is kinda brilliant...you should read some of Jacob's recaps on Television Without Pity--he doesn't go quite as marvellously philosophical with GG as he does with Battlestar Galactica (or Doctor Who) but he definitely transforms the melodrama into something sublime.

Heather said...

I didn't realize that Melrose Place could be even cheesier dubbed in Spanish. That was priceless.