Monday, May 05, 2008

Have You Seen This Baby?


I went looking for a picture of Hera, Helo and Athena's hybrid baby, and the above shot came up and I found it too creepy to resist. Is that actually an infant, or an oversized flesh-colored Tootsie Roll in that blanket? You decide!

Ahem. I tend to forget things. I may be a geek, but I'm a lazy one. Thankfully I have the diligence of the entire internet community at hand. So I ask y'all - where the hell is Baby Hera? Helo and Athena are both off running around with whack-job Starbuck, and while I really hope they didn't cart their child along on that specific crazy-train, I also wonder how they could leave her behind with a fleet full of baby-nappers.

Also... is Hera even a baby anymore? I know we saw an older version in President Roslin's vision-thing, and I can't keep straight how old Hera is anymore. Since we never see her. Even though she's supposed to be of terrific importance and all.

Thanks for any geek-assistance you can offer in the comments. And to those of you who don't watch Battlestar Galactica, I hope you didn't read through this entire thing and think I'd finally lost my mind. In terms of BSG, all I just said made sense. Or... mostly it did. As much as anything I say ever does.


FDot said...

Looking over a relative timeline and making some calculations, which are too confusing to type up succinctly, it looks as if Hera is around 2 1/2 years old, give or take.

As for where she is...we'll just have to keep watching.

Joe Reid said...

I'm trying to image who is even a possibility at this point...Racetrack? Dualla? Doc Cottle?

Stacie Ponder said...

My roommate asked the very same question tonight as we watched Friday's episode.

I heart Seelix!!