Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bye, Y'all

So in a wee bit I'll be seeing The Strangers - excited! - and then tomorrow morning I am off for some R&R (rollercoasters and rum!) until next Saturday. I will have my computer with me but I think we'd all stand to win the bet we placed on me not posting until next Monday. I know... :(

I do have something for you all to contemplate in my absence, though! This picture of a dead Eli Roth on the toilet from Southland Tales:

So get with the contemplatin'. Cockchuggers 2: Cockchuggin'! Peace out.


Anonymous said...

I love the term 'cockchugging'. I will use it in your honour for the next Macho Movie Review podcast.

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

ooh good R&R combo! :)