Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Innocence With Age


Today marks the 50th birthday of Michelle Pfeiffer (I know; could somebody tell me how that is 50 years old? Insane!) and the 51st birthday of Daniel Day-Lewis (also looking damn fine... as long as he isn't dressing himself). Seeing this got me thinking about The Age of Innocence, of course. I've really only recently come into a semi-obsession with DDL's beauty... I think it's an appreciation I needed to age into, if you know what I mean... so when Innocence first came out I was mostly only hypnotized by Pfeiffer and Winona Ryder... looking at the film now, through DDL-appreciating eyes, however, I'm just sort of dumbfounded this morning by the simple superficial beauty of the film's two birthday-celebrating leads against each other. So here are a bunch of pictures!

Now that's how you cast a tragic romance.

Happy birthday, MP & DDL!

(All pics from The Face)


ShoNuff Lives said...

i still say the scene of michelle walking across the room in her red dress is so incredibly moving...and the forbidden kiss near the end is so erotic, its better than 90% of the sex scenes in film

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Michelle Pfeiffer. She gets better looking with each passing year. Eventually she'll get so hot she'll be invisible to the naked eye.

Glenn Dunks said...

oh jesus christ YES. To everything. The movie. The stars. The beauty. YES!