Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Greatest Movie...

... that can turn you from this:

... into this:

... in one fell swoop?

Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)

Beware, window-washers and sun-tanners
of the city's rooftops!
Q is on da loose!

Thanks to Final Girl's recent poster-love-in for writer/director Larry Cohen I've had a mini-marathon of his movies this week... meaning I've watched the above film and The Stuff (more on the latter tomorrow) over the past few days. Make no mistake: these are not good movies, in the usual definition of the word "good" as Websters sees fit to define it:

1: of the highest worth or reliability
2: well-behaved

Nooooo.... none of that. But they certainly have their moments (the presence of actor Michael Moriarty is not among these virtues, by the way... what ham!). So... a post dedicated to a few of Q: The Winged Serpent's positives seems in order. In pictures!

The very best part was the whole bit about it raining blood and body parts onto the streets of Manhattan whenever Q snatches one of his roof-top happy-meals...

If you've ever had some strange fluid drip onto your head while walking through a large city then you'll understand how real this horror is. And I adore this cast of characters Cohen got reactions shots from. That dude in the middle of the street (above, three pics from the bottom) totally busted out a Fosse routine for his reaction. And I'm fairly certain the woman in the picture right above him is Samantha Jones.

Then there's this dude:

He's really pissed off because somebody ate his lunch. Little does he know there's an ancient dragon lurking around who likes nothing better than to hide behind a beam waiting for a construction worker to throw a hissy fit!

And Q really needs to learn to keep his mouth shut while he chews and flies.

But mostly, this movie speaks wisest without commentary. So here's a bunch of random screen-grabs that celebrate its occasional outbursts of awesomeness:

Why the long face, Q?


Unknown said...

Dude! This brought forth some deep emotional scars for me! My father (bless his heart) made my sister and I watch this movie when we were about 4-5 years old. Scared the hell out of us... this is my sister's pick for the worst we were exposed to. Mine is 'I Spit On Your Grave'. Ghastly memories, JA, although sis and I are horror movie fans now! Evidently we got over Dear Ol Dad's choice of entertainment... plus, the bastard croaked in the 80's anyway. We weren't close. So it's all good. : )

Anonymous said...

The mime on the pay phone is my favorite

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late to the party here but I'll throw this out there in case you read back through these. It's an anecdote I always remember about this film. Seems the cast and crew were attending a festival screening for Q (I wanna say Cannes- I'm assuming out of competition) and in the post screening press conference one of the journalists asks Moriarty how he gave such an interesting Method performance in the midst of all this dreck. Moriarty's a little nonplussed and before he can speak Cohen jumps in and say "Ah, the dreck was my idea".