Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Am Missed Horror Links

Here are a few things of importance that I missed over my long weekend...

--- Sometimes It Moves - Final Girl had another Film Club yesterday, this time for the 1978 movie The Manitou, which involves a fetus-tumor and topless laser shows and Native American midget shamans... in other words, sheer genius spilling from its every frame.

--- Designer Demons - This past week's Horror Roundtable focused on the sartorial choices of the underworld set; I never got around to answering the question myself, but I was definitely leaning towards the Cenobites from the Hellraiser films as best-dressed, and thankfully they're covered...

--- The horror film The Signal was released this past weekend - I'm hoping to catch it this week - and apparently a man at a screening in California went nuts and stabbed two other patrons... The Signal is about, well, a signal being broadcast that drives people mad and to violence....

--- Clover Returns - BD has got a brief transcript of an interview with JJ Abrams where he touches upon what we might see with the Cloverfield sequel.

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