Friday, February 08, 2008

I Am Friday's 2nd Round of Links

What the heck, it's not even four o'clock [edit: well, now that I've finished this post it's after 4pm, but see how I went and filled my time so fruitfully? No, see below for that] and I'm bored senseless. Thankfully I know other people who have these things called "blogs" (maybe you've heard the term?) and they've been posting stuff, which I'm now gonna link to, in lieu of having anything to say myself. Yay!

--- Speaking of having nothing to say, earlier today I had nothing that I wanted to say about George Romero's Diary of the Dead, but Final Girl went and said the not-said stuff I didn't say so... well-said, Stacie.

--- And speaking of Stacie Ponder of Final Girl infamy, she was interviewed at the AMC Monsterfest Blog, and, well, she brought da funk. And by "funk" I mean "Count Chocula."

--- Magneto Versus Bourne - Low Resolution's Beyond Actor-Dome series has reached the final two, and it's up to us - all of us! - to vote whether Ian McKellen or Matt Damon wins the entire enchilada. I think you <------ can tell whom I prefer...

--- Consider It Plugged - The Film Experience takes a look at Carrie's soft-core shower scene opener, and Miss Sissy's hands in particular.

--- Ormand Joy - StinkyLulu takes on Julia Ormand's Razzie-nommed turn in Linsday Lohan's second (and apparently far less successful) stab at the good-twin evil-twin genre (although evil's pretty relative here, since I guess neither twin in The Parent Trap was, ya know, homicidal or anything... although maybe British is a euphemism there...), I Know Who Killed Me.

1 comment:

Pax Romano said...

Oh well, your review and Stacie's notwithstanding, I am still looking forward to seeing DOTD when it comes out here in the hinterlands of Joisey next week.

Glad you got to see him in person though, he is a very likable guy.