Monday, January 07, 2008

You Can Cry Like Claire Danes

Meaning you cry well, and I believe you when you cry. The "you" here isn't actually the "you" reading this though - Hi, you! - but rather the last person I ever would've expected to ever be such a damned good crier, a pretty lil' filly by the name of Channing Tatum.

I assume y'all have seen the becoming-ubiquitous-at-this-point trailer for Kimberly Pierce's Stop-Loss (if not, Joe's got it up here), but every damned time I see it - and I've seen it several times now - I have a couple of thoughts, yes most revolving around the things I'd do if I could get the male cast of this film liquored up and lonely, but also that I really believe Channing Tatum when he cries, and I keep finding my tear-ducts twitching with inevitability. The inevitability that yes, I will see this movie, and yes, Channing Tatum is going to make me cry.

Tatum was shockingly believable when he cried in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints too, and I have to admit I'm flummoxed by this. He's... he's too pretty to cry so well! Didn't anybody ever tell him that models don't cry? That if they're ever feeling emotional they just throw a cell-phone or get somebody fired? I guess Tatum's had more success as an actor than he did as a model - Step Up, yo! - so perhaps I'm being unfair. It just sorta came out of left field for me. That's all. And since I'm talking about Tatum, I might as well...



RJ said...

What are these 'things' you speak of?

Jason Adams said...

Dirty, dirty things. Things that could possibly be considered illegal. Things that would get me hanged in the Muslim world.

John T said...

I have to agree-the things that I was thinking when Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ryan Phillippe, Rob Brown, and Channing Tatum are probably still a felony in Texas.

Glenn Dunks said...

but... but... HIS FACE! it's like a cube made of playdo or something. I dunno. He's ugly and he has what I like to call "The compensating body".