Monday, January 21, 2008

Where Will You Be When The End Begins?

So I guess this is the official poster for George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead (via BD), and not the one I posted last week:

While I didn't hate the last one, this one's better I think. Doesn't look like it cost five bucks like the other one, at least.

And I am just a moron for being confused as to when this movie's set? I thought it was supposed to be set around the same time as the original film, just looking at a different group of characters. But that's an awfully modern looking camera there in the poster. I guess maybe Diary's just supposed to take place now, but now is the start of a brand new zombie outbreak, and all the other developments from the other Dead films never happened here. Not that the other films have a straight through-line between each other, but there was a definite evolution of the zombie's abilites from film to film.

I don't even know what I'm saying any more. I just need to shut my brain off with this geek-prattle and look forward to brain-eatin. Brain Eatin', Ho!

1 comment:

Sean T. Collins said...

Jason, when you think about it, all the Dead movies essentially reboot the continuity of the outbreak. For example, Dawn was filmed seven or eight years after Night, but it seems like the events of the movies start maybe two weeks after the initial outbreak, so that would place that outbreak in the mid-to-late '70s, not in the late '60s. And it's not like Land's zombies are all forty years dead. So Diary modernizing the outbreak is nothing new for Romero--what's new is going back to the initial stages outbreak rather than the aftermath, be it several weeks or months or years down the road.