Sunday, January 27, 2008

That Commercial Bites


I had a "disagreement" with the boyfriend last evening that Jess Weixler, the star of the vagina-dentata epic Teeth, was not the same girl in a terribly annoying Chase Bank commercial from a couple of years ago. I said it wasn't her, he said it was.

I was wrong.


Man I hate that commercial. I hate it so much that it's, in retrospect, tainting my enjoyment - which was semi-considerable - of Teeth, which we saw last night. Although, the flip-side sorta holds true as well, and knowing her from Teeth and watching it now, it gives that commercial a whole "She's going to rip that attractive man's penis off with her crotch-chompers" vibe which, well, that gives Chase Bank a whole new edgy spin I'd never considered before.

Damn working actors and their need for things like "money" and "food on the table." Why couldn't she just keep it PURE???


Joe Reid said...

AAHAHAHAHA!! Man, you were so sure.

RJ said...

OH MY GOD! NO WAY! I hate that commercial.

Anonymous said...

Man, now the girl in that commercial doesn't look so hot to me anymore.

Stacie Ponder said...

"it gives that commercial a whole "She's going to rip that attractive man's penis off with her crotch-chompers" vibe which, well, that gives Chase Bank a whole new edgy spin I'd never considered before."

Gee, for me it seems to give the commercial a sort of "Hmm, that attractive man is going to rape that nice young girl" vibe.

Jess Weixler was the best part of Teeth. That commercial is irritating, though.

Jason Adams said...

Weixler was terrific, which is why I didn't want to believe that she was the girl in this commercial. Every time I saw this commercial before I wished for a window-washing platform to fall onto her head as she danced in the street.

What was the deal with nearly all the men in Teeth being rape-happy assholes? I get that the movie had a theme it was trying to assert, but I had a hard time buying that moment when seemingly sweet Toby went all rape-y. I get that he was IMMENSELY sexually frustrated, but there was a leap there that didn't strike me as honest.

Joe Reid said...

That was my one problem with Teeth (or one of my few problems with Teeth) exactly, and since I haven't written about it on my blog, why not write about it on yours? The movie clearly wants to say that making teenagers afraid of sex is unhealthy and leads to way scarier shit down the road, and yet in telling this story, how is it not scary to see nearly every male onscreen portrayed as a rape monster? And aren't you kind of defeating the purpose then?