Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Want To Be Paul Schneider When I Grow Up

I know I gave him a brief verbal hug - along with Emily "Do No Wrong" Mortimer - in my Best of '07 post for his work in Lars and the Real Girl, but I thought I should give Paul Schneider a post of affection all his own, especially after watching George Washington, David Gordon Green's terrific 2000 debut film, last night and once again falling under Schneider's spell.

I first fell in love with Schneider in All the Real Girls, Green's second film, in which his awkwardly sweet wooing of Zooey Deschanel stole my heart too... what is it about this man that is so achingly real in everything I've seen him in? He's not typically handsome... honestly he's a tad funny-looking. The characters he plays are usually leaning a little on the side of asshole-ish. But he makes them all effortlessly likable... lovable even. Rico Rice (that name!), the character he played in George Washington, probably only has about ten to fifteen minutes of screen-time total, but he had me grinning each time he reappeared, whether it was tooling around shirtless on his motorcycle or harassing little girls. And then he was so terrific as Dick Liddil in my #3 movie of '07, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and I forgot to mention him at all... shame on me.

He's gold. A gold star next to his name!

He's trying his hand at directing next, with a film called Pretty Bird that's playing at Sundance. The film stars Paul Giametti, Billy Crudup, and Kristen Wiig (!!!), and listen to the brief synopsis at IMDb:

"A sweet-natured guy enlists his pals to help him create and market his idea for a rocket-powered belt. But can their friendship withstand unexpected success?"

I don't know, can it?

Glee; unfettered glee. I love you, Paul Schneider. Never let me go.


RJ said...


And totally awesome enough to marry emily mortimer.

Glenn Dunks said...

I looove him! He was in my top five supporting actors of 2007 for Jesse James until I saw This is England and No Country for Old Men and I had to knock him out.