Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hi, Jack


Oh my goodness, you guys... Lost is back tomorrow night! Can you effing believe it? Last we saw of these dudes there were future-beards and hobbit-soups flying all willy-nilly. Nuts!

Anyway, if you're as wet down there as I am for the return of the second best show (Hi, BSG!) on television, then you ought to head over and check out Doc Jenson's 12 things you need to remember about the show before it comes back tomorrow night. It's been some time since that kuh-razy finale and the recap of certain things seems handy.

And Jack (I swear...), I better find out soon what was up with that damned four-toed statue. Were the previous island residents big Simpsons fans or what?

1 comment:

DL said...

I don't know if I can even watch Lost this season. I was in such a state of shock after Kate walked out of the car at the airport at the end of the season finale that I couldn't move for at least 10 minutes after the show was done. It was stupid. I don't know if I want to put myself through this shit anymore.

But yeah, I canNOT wait for tomorrow night. (Only about 20 hours to go....)