Friday, January 18, 2008

Giving Dent His Due


I don't remember where I read it, but yesterday somebody somewhere said something about how The Dark Knight is actually a lot more focused on Harvey "Two Face" Dent than it is on The Joker (if somebody wants to tell me where I read that, so I can provide linkage, take to the comments). But it got me thinking, I've spent all this time getting weirdly lusty over the Joker/Heath pictures and not given Mr. Aaron Eckhart, who's playing Dent, his due. And then I realized: Aaron Eckhart's gonna be totally awesome as Harvey Dent, isn't he? And now I'm even more excited for Knight! Yay!

That last pic is from Nurse Betty and I just had to include it; I forgot how freaking funny he was in that extraordinarily underrated film.


RJ said...

Mummy, I want one.

Glenn Dunks said...

God he's sexy.