Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Quote of the Day

From the reliably profane/hilarious review by Neill Cumpston at AICN of Cloverfield:

"I had a long dream about the male star of the movie two nights after I saw this, where we both had shirts off and he was helping me do sit-ups. So fuck this movie for that part."

I'm not sure if he's talking about Michael Stahl-David or Mike Vogel; since we know so little about the movie still, it's a toss-up at this point which of these fellas ends up more like the "lead"... and it could be either of them, pretty boys, inciting his confusing homo-lust.

Mike Vogel, there's plenty of online evidence for said hotness; Stahl-David's a little hard to come by, though. Anybody want to link to a good pic of him in the comments, feel free. The above was the best I could find, and he looks very different in Cloverfield (i.e. shorter hair, i.e. better) Here's an interview with the Stahl-David, at AICN as well, about Cloverfield and it does sound like he may be the hero.

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