Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jennifer Connolly


I'm thinking of that moment in Little Children when you figure out that your husband (played by the ever-delicious Patrick Wilson) is schtupping your neighbor (played by the ever-delicious Kate Winslet). It's over dinner with the two of them, as well as her husband, and Kate unthinkingly says something intimate and... cue that look. That look that just rips through the screen and scares the fuck out of me. I think that if any of us have seen the film we can instantly summon up memory of that look.

You're one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood (hell, the world), JC, but man alive it's an intimidating sort of beauty. Same with Paul Bettany, actually... y'all scare me, is what I'm getting at. But a happy birthday all the same to you! Don't show up on my doorstep and give me that look; my heart would stop dead.


FDot said...

I had the luck of running into both Jennifer Connolly and Paul Bettany last year, but it was right after Dark Water came out so I didn't know what to say. They do make a good looking couple though, blinding if you look at them directly.

Jason Adams said...

When I lived in Brooklyn a couple years back, every Thursday morning the two of them, with their kids, would end up on the same subway car as me. Actually, most of the time it was just Paul Bettany and the kids. One times he even sat down beside me! Man is taller and skinnier than you even think he is. And I was never attracted to him until seeing him in person; he's BEAUTIFUL in person. But scary. And I never thought of anything to say to them either. Probably better that way; they might've eaten us alive.

Burbanked said...

I loved "that look" in Little Children, but I was also baffled by it. She gives The Look after bending down and spying Winslett's painted toenails; did I miss something? What did that mean? How'd she get clued in?

Sorry, but you officially christened yourself the Jennifer Connolly Expert for today, so that allows me to ask you a more or less off-topic question.

Jason Adams said...

I guess I should've gone and re-watched the scene before I started blathering on about it. It's been too long since I saw the film to be sure, but I could've sworn that Kate said something or behaved in some way that revealed that she knew too much about Patrick Wilson's character. Like, wasn't he talking about his bar exam or something? I def. remember her leaning down to look at Kate's toenails at that point, too, though. I'll watch it tonight when I get home and see what I think. Anybody who remembers the exact circumstances can pipe up before then if they feel so inclined though!