Monday, December 03, 2007

Gimme Some Gratuitous James Kyson Lee!


Has anybody else found themselves developing a crush on James Kyson Lee? He currently can be seen as Hiro's best friend Ando on Heroes. And he's freaking adorable.

I'm quite disappointed that they haven't found a way to get him undressed and hosed down yet. I may write a letter! A very sternly worded letter!


Anonymous said...

Ummmm yeah...I've been telling the hubbie since day 1 that JKL is yummy! Just glad they haven't killed him off yet...the fate of a second banana can be quite uncertain....

Jason Adams said...

I don't know why he never jumped out at me before; not until the past several episodes. Now, yeah, I'm starting to smile in my special places whenever he's on-screen. I do find it insane that he's made it this far in the show; like you said, shaun, second bananas are not in an enviable position in the comic books.

Glenn Dunks said...

I found him sort of adorable since season one. I like him in suits. And I don't go for asian men, typically.

Anonymous said...

Man, what is it with the hot Korean guys? James Kyson Lee, Daniel Dae Kim...must be something in the water...sigh