Friday, November 30, 2007

What Has Six Legs And Makes Me Die Inside?

This week's Horror Roundtable is up at The Horror Blog, and we were asked:

"Name something in a horror movie that frightens you or makes you squirm but doesn’t seem to scare anyone else you know."

My reply to this query isn't exactly Earth-shattering - half the people who responded said something along the same lines. But let me just tell you: in order to find the image for this post here I googled the words "bug legs" without thinking and I swear to god I almost vomited from the images this phrase delivered. UGH. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.


FDot said...

I guess that would make the last story in "Creepshow" especially terrifying then. Icky bugs.

Jason Adams said...

Ugh yes! That part terrifies me. When they burst out of his neck!!! Ahhh!