Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Didn't Forget You, Sam Neill...

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... I just don't really have anything to say about you in Dead Calm. You were perfectly great in it. Really, you were. But you basically look the same as you did back then, and apparently I'm using* Dead Calm Day as an excuse to chide people for aging in twenty years or satisfy my lusts, be they blood or ass oriented. Sorry, fella! I'll totally look you up come Jurassic Park Day, though, how's that sound?

*this post was delayed due to a) Blogger being a see-you-next-Tuesday, and b) My dentist deciding Thursday was the day to tear my face open like a present on Christmas morning. [sarcasm] I know y'all missed it, judging by the enthusiastic commenting Dead Calm Day inspired... [/sarcsam] Smiles!



Anonymous said...

You know, it might have something to do with some of us actually hating that movie. As well as an inate hatred for Nicole Kidman. But maybe that's just me.

Jason Adams said...

Hrm. Point taken, Wile. Point taken...