Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Am Link

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--- Two pretty faces have joined the cast of the remake of Alfred Hitchcock's The Lodger - Simon Baker and Shane West (via DH). In better news, the delightful Rebecca Pidgeon, aka Mrs. David Mamet, is also listed in the cast; I've loved her ever since The Spanish Prisoner ("Well dog my cats."). Plus, Hope Davis!

--- Watching the Watchmen - The first pics from Zach Snyder's adaptation of Alan Moore's Watchmen have surfaced. I'm still undecided as to whether this is a good idea or not.

--- In the heat of the holiday moment I forgot to offer up a link to last week's Horror Roundtable at The Horror Blog, so here ya go - we're talking about books n' stuff.

--- Damion checked out Skull & Bones, a new gay horror flick, at Queering the Apparatus; he says:

"Ultimately, while I don't think the movie is great, I really admire Slaughter and what he is trying to do here, and I think this movie is worth seeing... but this film may be trying to do too many things in too short a span. It is, at once, campy, thrilling, horrific, silly, irreverent, shocking, socially conscious, rebellious, proudly irresponsible, perverted, and too tame... and that is a lot for one 73 minute movie to embody."

So I guess I'll check this one out eventually... I've been burned by recent queer cinema so much in the past couple of years I (shamefully) don't really even bother anymore... it's nice to get a heads-up to something possibly somewhat interesting.

--- Again I was bored silly by last night's episode of Heroes... not even a shirtless Zachary Quinto could draw me in. There was one moment's saving grace, though - how hysterical was the moment when Cheerleader caught Kristen Bell spying on her tender ash-pouring ceremony and we watched as Kristen clumsily looked for someplace to stash her Big Gulp cup? THAT, my friends, was comedy. Otherwise, a big fat meh. How much can I care about characters that continually believe whatever they're told by complete strangers? Everyone behaves like a total moron constantly so the threadbare plot can creak forward with all the urgency of my grandmother putting together a puzzle. Blah blah blah. I'm to the point now where I hope Kristen is killed in next week's "shocking" mid-season finale so I can stop watching altogether. And I'm sure y'all hope it happens too so y'all can stop listening to me bitch. It's win-win!

End rant. There's an interview with Kristen Bell over at E!Online is my only point here.


Jwise said...

Shut your filthy mouth! Kristen better not die, I need there to always be three mostly-identical blondes on Heroes at all times!

And Bell juggling her Cloverfield-plugging Slusho cup was absolutely the ep's highlight!

Jason Adams said...

Wow, good eye! I never would've caught that it was a Slusho cup.

Unknown said...

I don't think Kristin is the dead blonde next week