Wednesday, November 14, 2007

5 Off The Top Of My Head - Antici......pation

In conversation with the esteemed Joe R. last evening while waiting for P2 to start (quick review: if you go into this movie expecting it to be the worst thing you've ever seen, then you will unexpectedly enjoy yourself thoroughly), the topic came up of what we were especially looking forward to for the remainder of 2007. Two films came immediately to mind, but with a lil' research this afternoon I've discovered that the actual number of films that I would devour a newborn infant on the spot in exchange for the instant viewing pleasure of said films came out to five... which, thankfully, is the exact number that I use for these list thingamajiggies. What a coincidence!

So here they are, in order of the perceived personal derangement to my faculties that I experience when they come up in conversation:

There Will Be Blood -- December 26th

The one I want to see the worst is, of course, the one that's furthest away from me. Paul Thomas Anderson's movies, in my humble-pie opinion, have gotten better and better each time - that's right: Punch-Drunk Love is his finest movie to date! Don't even try to argue with me! - and the accolades being heaped on this thing in advance are bone-quaking. The trailers give me goosebumps every time I see one. Never have I wanted Christmas to be over with already so badly in my life.

The Mist -- November 21st

I vulgarly expressed my excitement for this earlier - let's just say I'm hankering for a prime hunk of monster-movie cheese, with Bible-thumpin' and tentacle-waving galore, and I think this one might be the ticket.

The Golden Compass -- December 7th

It does say something that this movie doesn't swoop instantaneously into my consciousness when I think what I'm looking forward to. It took me a sec to remember it, unlike the first two films on this list. And for this momentary blind-spot I blame all the nay-saying I've heard lately as to its quality or box office hopes or just random Nicole Kidman bashing. I want so badly for director Chris Weitz to nail this thing, so the slim chance that the following two books never get made will vanish before the end of the year. Must have them all! Must be awesome! Must!

Sweeney Todd -- December 21st

I know fans of the stage musical are super-worried about the cast of apparent non-singers but, perhaps because I am mostly oblivious to all the former versions, I've not found myself able to work myself up into anything but a lather of anticipation. The trailer was so lovely to look at that the fact that we still didn't hear anybody singing hardly bothered me. These are good actors attached, first and foremost, and if they don't tear the roof down with their lyrical interpretations of the songs that's not gonna be the thing most on my mind. SMG isn't much of a songstress but, in the Buffy musical episode, when her voice breaks on the line "I think I was in heeeeaven..." so goes my heart.

I Am Legend -- December 14th

Now this is the one where I become the harried-fan of the original source material and get all defensive about how horribly they may be mucking it up. I love Matheson's story so very much, and ever since Will Smith was cast I've had visions of I,Robot's dancing in my head - they're nothing like sugarplums, believe you me! But the latest trailers have sealed my fate - I am doomed to want this movie to succeed desperately. Please make it good!

For the record, Southland Tales would've been on here but IT'S OUT TODAY!!! I'm not seeing it until Friday (grumble boyfriend grumble) but it's availability as of this very freaking moment in time renders its placement moot. As for a couple of runners-up, we have Juno, I'm Not There, and The Savages all ebbing and flowing in and out of my wanton consciousness most frequently.

And now's your opportunity, beloved reader: what movies that'll hit screens before December 31st are rumbling your tummy with needing 'em now now nownownow?


J.D. said...



The Golden Compass.
The Kite Runner.
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
Sweeney Todd.
August Rush.
Margot at the Wedding.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.

That sounds about good.

PIPER said...

I concur with the exception of Sweeney Todd. I think I'm done with Tim Burton until he decides to do original material again.

Anonymous said...

No Country for Old Men (Opens Wide next week so I can still add this. Here's hoping my crappy theater will show it.)
Enchanted (It was either this or The Mist)
Sweeny Todd (I'm a little iffy on this because it's a musical but it's Tim Burton and Johnny Depp so it can't be too bad right?.....right?)
Aliens vs Predator (Yeah thats right)

Glenn Dunks said...

While I have no idea when certain movies are to be released down here I am especially looking forward to Atonement, I'm Not There, Southland Tales, Juno and several others.

GhoulieJulie said...

I have to admit I've grown very excited for I am Legend. Years and years ago, I was appalled when I heard Will Smith's name attached to this. When I, Robot came out, I wondered (and hoped) if the reporters had simply gotten titles mixed up. The previews have changed my mind though - it looks like it might actually be good.