Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Coming To Get You, Eli


Director Eli Roth is in town tonight for the New York City Horror Film Festival, which started yesterday and runs through Sunday. He'll be presenting his director's cut of the original Hostel, which came out on DVD on Tuesday.

And I will be there. Oh yes, I will be there. Eli will be within my grasp! Mwahahaha!!!

I've already been warned - thanks, boyfriend - not to humiliate myself by, you know, like, I shouldn't present an ass-cheek for autographing, I guess. I'll make sure not to ask him about pirates, since he seems to be easily confused by that topic.

The most likely scenario, as always, is that I'll simply sit dumbfounded and stare. Like 95% of my time on Earth. Sigh.

1 comment:

Joe Reid said...

If I hear about some sort of incident on the news or Gawker or something, I will not be surprised.