Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Am Not Radiohead-Related Link


--- There's a new trailer for The Golden Compass out; you can watch it right here! The film comes out in only 58 days! FilmIck has been keeping tabs on what's been going on editing-wise; at this point I just want to see the film and judge it on it's own terms, so all this talk of what's being left out and how the ending of the first book is being moved to the start of the second film doesn't really concern me anymore. Everything is just looking so good, ya know? We'll see. If they neuter into oblivion then I'll be pissed off, but as of right now I just want to see it.

--- Hotties In Space - Eric Bana is going to play the villain, named Nero, in JJ Abrams Star Trek movie. Can this Nero character be part of a society that hasn't progressed past the loincloth? And from a planet that is the male equivalent of Wonder Woman's Amazonian homeland (i.e. really gay)? Why aren't I writing this movie? So many ideas I have!

--- Hotties In... Soho - Director Richard Kelly is going to present a couple of clips from Southland Tales next Friday at 6:30pm here in NYC at the Soho Apple Store. Which is a five-minute walk from my office. And I get out of work at 6:30. Expect our marriage announcement a week from Monday! (Sorry, boyfriend!)

--- A CG-animated version of Thundercats is really going to be coming out way. Because TMNT was such a spectacular success. I'm asking this question out of concern for the boyfriend (whom I should make it up to, having just fake-married Richard Kelly in the fake-future): Will they be able to capture the hotness of Lion-O in CG? How ripply can you make a cat-man's thighs with the technology now? This is very important.

--- And finally, it is International Crazy Lady Bai Ling's birthday today! Everybody whip out your nips in her honor!



Ross said...

Why didn't Bai Ling make it into your top 5 scares? I'm still quivering with fear at the sight of her nipple.

Jason Adams said...

Do not fear the Bai-Nipple! All it wants is love.

Love... and your soul!!!