Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I Am Link

--- Following up her bootylicious stint in Wes Anderson's short - as well as Mr. Magorium's Cutesy Titled Bullshit and The Movie With Eric Bana's Enormous Codpiece - Natalie Portman has signed on to be the waif that comes between siblings Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire in Jim Sheridan's remake of Susanna Biers' Brothers (prev. spoken of here).

--- I See A Shoggoth - Latino Review is saying that Guillermo del Toro's next flick, after Hellboy 2, will finally be his long-planned adaptation of Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness. Guillermo and Lovecraft... a combination sure to inspire many of the bed-wettings of the future!

--- A Snip Snip Here - Nat at Film Experience is dipping his little toe (hee) into some TV blogging and starts off with a post on Heroes, and we seem to agree 100% on the program's strengths (Mr. Muggles!) and weaknesses (Exposition Log-Jam)... and Nat gives us the Graphic Of The Month with his pictorial take on Claire's little toe-snip... I can't stop giggling over it.

--- I never saw Cupid in its original incarnation, when it starred Jeremy Piven, but Rob Thomas (aka Mr. Veronica Mars), who originally ran the series, has somehow gotten the greenlight to resurrect the series for ABC. So maybe in ten years he can start Veronica Mars up again? Maybe? Huh? Please?

--- Terrorizing Lolita - Dominique Swain has signed on for Slaughter, the story of an actress who gets on set and realizes she's signed on for a snuff film. I'm only posting this because out of nowhere it reminded me of the movie Mute Witness, which also used the urban-legend of snuff films for it's creepy basis, and I would like to see it again. I remember liking it quite a bit and am curious if it'd hold up (it's been years). That is all.

--- Man Is The Warmest Place To Hide - Cinematical takes a nice look back at John Carpenter's best movie - yes, better than Halloween - The Thing. Man I love this movie. A perfect film, and utterly horrifying.


Cherita said...

Re: Brothers: The Natalie Portman news is exactly what I needed to get the taste of the Mischa Barton rumor out of my mouth. I can take however-many months of Spidey-Padme-Donnie Darko jokes if what I get in the end is even remotely as good as I'm guessing this film will be.

JA, I searched your whole blog via Google, and it looks like you've never mentioned Showtime's Dexter, which just returned with season 2 on 9/30. How can a guy with tastes such as yours not have an opinion on a show like that? Or have you spoken, and I missed it? Personally, I'm hooked, and find myself disturbingly attracted to Dex.

BTW I know mine isn't the only one, but I've put up a handy list of Jake's upcoming appearances at my blog. Which I never thanked you for linking, so, thank you!

Jason Adams said...

The only thing keeping me from having an opinion on Dexter is my lack of Showtime. I did watch the very first episode, I got one of those preview discs I think, and thought it was alright, but that's all I've seen. I'll def. check it out on DVD when I get around to it, though; there is no shame in finding Michael C. Hall attractive, ESPECIALLY while splattered with blood like he is on all the subway ads here in NYC... I just wanna lick the blood right off his adorable chin. Mkay, moving right on from that disturbing image...

If I were to imagine what Mischa tasted like, it'd be something akin to vodka sucked through a dirty sweat-sock.

I'll check out your list! And no prob on the linkage; I know if there's any Jake obsessing that I've missed you'll most def. have covered it. ;-)

Yaseen Ali said...

The more I hear about the Brothers remake, the more I worry. Natalie's a cutie, but I don't think she'll be able to make me forget about Connie Nielsen.

Barry said...

Kristen Bell is coming on October 22nd =D FUCCKK YEAHH!

Anonymous said...

I love Mute Witness!!!

Such a great film!!!!

A great mix of comedy and terror. Had me guessing up till the end too when I saw it in the theaters.

I have it on video and would show it to people - and they liked it!

I should see if it's on DVD

RJ said...

This Brothers remake keeps sounding better and better