Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Birthday, Siggy!


It's Sigourney Weaver's birthday today! How fortuitous that I caught a bunch of Working Girl on TV a few days ago then, so she's had my brain in a stranglehold. Then again, she often does... she'll just slide in there and make me happy. I've had copies of Snow Cake and The TV Set sitting beside my DVD player for weeks, waiting for the right night for a double-feature of Siggy-goodness; mayhaps tonight?

Here a question for the ages - Funny Sigourney (Working Girl, Ghostbusters, Galaxy Quest) versus Kick-Ass Sigourney (Ripley!)? I think we all know where my love lay, but she's so funny when given the opportunity. And then there's Serious Sigourney (Oh Janey Carver, how I adore thee!)... what a lady.


Scott said...

I love her work so much. And in addition to the brilliant work you mention, not nearly enough people have seen Tadpole and Death and the Maiden. It's remarkable that she's so good in such a wide range of things.

Michael Parsons said...

Death and the Maiden, A Map of the World...will always be an underrated actor...guess it is because she is far too intimidating for the male hollywood honcho's