Tuesday, October 16, 2007

George Clooney, Professional Cock Blocker


Why ya gotta be like this, George? I never said anything bad about you! From ModFab:

"Last week, the buzz in this column surrounded the production of Farragut North. Would it star Gyllenhaal? Would it star DiCaprio, who signed onto the movie version? Would it still be directed by Mike Nichols, who was also attached to The Country Girl? Would it happen at all? Would it not? My source confirmed last week that the Broadway production was still on. But what a difference a week makes. The problem (as it is in most things) is the movie version, whose probable director, George Clooney, doesn't want to compete with a legit doppleganger. So at the moment -- and I stress, at THIS particular, changeable moment -- it looks as if the play won't happen anywhere, on or off Broadway. The movie is eating the play for dinner. And the movie will star DiCaprio."

SIGH. So, moving on then, is Hair up for a revival? I've never seen it and all I know about it is they get naked, but that sounds right up Jake's alley. Mmmm up Jake's alley... sorry, I channeled Meredith Viera there for a second...


John T said...

Jake really must go full frontal sometime soon. Possibly for an entire movie. Possibly for an entire series of movies...filmed in my apartment...good lord Ja, that dirty mind wandering is contagious.

Cherita said...

Well, I no longer believe any of them. Did you read this? That's when I gave up hope for this one. I do think Jake will still do stage work as soon as he has the opportunity, because he's expressed the interest and we know any production would be beyond salivating to get him. Full houses every night? You bet.

I don't see how you can be bitter anyway, you bastard. Jake's been hanging in New York since Monday. He doesn't come to Fort Lauderdale, you know. Fingers crossed that Conan tonight will be less of an ass than Meredith and Regis and somewhat more creative than Dave. And if Conan fails us, Jon Stewart probably won't. And we still get to see Jake cook something for Ellen on Thursday. It's a Gyllenfeast.