Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today's Mood

I was worried about having to choose a character from Superman Returns for this week's worth of Bryan Singer Today's Moods, having already used the best character in the film previously, but then I see today's Jimmy Marsden's 34th birthday, and he was one of the bests thing about the film - funny how none of the main characters seem to merit such mention, innit? - so he wins the spot:

Richard White (James Marsden),
Superman Returns

"I love that he can see through anything.
I'd have fun with that. "

For previous, more lascivious Marsden ogling, click here.
Though I see he's never gotten a proper Gratuitous post...
hmmm.... might have to do something about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He always gets dumped in movies....