Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Am Link


--- What Could’ve Been But Wasn’t To Be – Cracked.com did a fantastic list of the The 10 Most Awesome Movies Hollywood Ever Killed, and I can’t even tell you how many happy thoughts that just #8 has brought me, imagining what could’ve been. Alas. Blasted Bill Murray! I don’t know what he could not like about the second Ghostbusters film; I love the 2nd film. But then, I’m deranged.

--- I told y’all I would now be looking for tidbit on P2, the parking-garage centered thriller starring Rachel Nichols and Wes Bentley that comes out Nov. 7th – BD has got the poster.

--- Bean Spiller - Some extra in Indy 4 got interviewed by his local paper and blabbed everything he knew about the story – you can read his word-vomit at AICN. I’m hopelessly trying to avoid knowing the entire story beforehand so have not read it myself.

--- Headscarves and Skirt-Capes – Looks like that fictionalized telling of Grey Gardens, with Drew Barrymore as Little Edie and Jessica Lange as Big Edie, is actually gonna get made, says The Hollywood Reporter.

--- Kelly’s NextSome newish info has come out on Richard Kelly’s next film, The Box, which will star Cameron Diaz.

--- First FridayWriters have been hired for the remake of the original Friday the 13th… it's the duo behind that monstrosity Freddy vs. Jason... if Patricia Clarkson doesn’t do Mrs. Voorhees then I’ll probably lose all interest.

--- Multi-Ziggy – My bud Sean posted a fantastic gallery of various comic artist’s takes on his main squeeze David Bowie.

1 comment:

sparky2379 said...

i've never been interested in any of the friday the 13th movies past the original (the only good thing about the freddy vs jason mess is the cute blonde boy showing his bum in the beginning) but patricia clarkson as mrs. voorhess would have to make me seriously consider seeing this. i. love. her.