Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How Goes Southland


Speaking of Southland Tales, director Richard Kelly spoke up on his blog about where he and the film are at right now:

"We are in the final week of our mix and Digital Intermediate on Southland Tales, so I have been working long, long hours. The film is basically finished by the end of the day this Friday.

Sony is putting the finishing touches on the trailer... and it should premiere sometime in the first week of September. I have seen it and I can tell you that it is very action-packed, features three songs from the soundtrack, the entire cast of characters and a lot of one-liners. Very exciting! Can't wait for everyone to see it.... We will be screening the film for the very first time in the coming weeks... so stay tuned"

So... a trailer within the week? Perhaps attached to something this weekend? To paraphrase a famous raped-by-the-devil lady, This isn't a dream - this is really happening!

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