Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dear SciFi,

Hello. Hope you're well. So you've got this TV show, it's called Battlestar Galactica, I'm not sure if you remember you own it, it's been awhile since it's been on the air (I included an official BSG patch --> with this letter to maybe help refresh yor memory!). A lot of people, myself included, really really dig it, maybe you've noticed. We dig it so much that we, like, watch your network! I know, right? It's gotta be difficult to find stuff to air in between Mansquito marathons, but on this note you are spot-on.

It's good! Really really good. And I am totally, like 1000% invested in it. The news that it's ending this next season has me bummed, and I'm sure you're pretty bummed too. I mean... what are you gonna air between Mansquito and Mansquito 2: The Mansquitoing? Nevermind Mansquito 3: Mansquito Barbecue. So much airtime!

But see, the idea you seem to be bandying about, this air the first eight episodes in 2008 and the rest in 2009 thing? I'm gonna be real delicate here, and quote a wise woman who claims Israel is "her land" and say - HELL TO THE MOTHERFUCKING NO. These "money people" as you call them, just tell them that fan-handled flamethrowers can burn up a lot more dead presidents than splitting the season so far apart can make back, 'k?

The other idea you're having, about finally greenlighting the Battlestar spin-off series Caprica, that's a good idea. That's something you should be working on. I, speaking for all fandom, say go for it. But splitting the final season of Battlestar into a year-distant pair of chunks, with the first chunk ending on what y'all claim to be a massive cliffhanger?

I'd say you think about reinforcing the locks and windows on your offices first.

Just a thought. Cheers!


PS - Any chance there's an Ice Spiders 2: The Ice Spidering in the works? I could churn out that script in under two days, if not. Call me!

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