Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Like Thinking About The Red Dress


I know that I've posted this before, but I just overheard some co-workers in the lunch-room talking about Requiem For A Dream and, as is always the case when the movie comes up, I now cannot get the following exchange out of my head. So I'm posting it, so it's in all y'all's heads too. Ha, I win.

Sara Goldfarb: I'm somebody now, Harry. Everybody likes me. Soon, millions of people will see me and they'll all like me. I'll tell them about you, and your father, how good he was to us. Remember? It's a reason to get up in the morning. It's a reason to lose weight, to fit in the red dress. It's a reason to smile. It makes tomorrow all right. What have I got Harry, hm? Why should I even make the bed, or wash the dishes? I do them, but why should I? I'm alone. Your father's gone, you're gone. I got no one to care for. What have I got, Harry? I'm lonely. I'm old.

Harry Goldfarb: You got friends, Ma.

Sara Goldfarb: Ah, it's not the same. They don't need me. I like the way I feel. I like thinking about the red dress and the television and you and your father. Now when I get the sun, I smile.


Stacie Ponder said...

Ellen Burstyn is so fucking amazing in that film. Requiem is the best film I never want to watch again, if you know what I mean.

Jason Adams said...

I try and watch it once every couple of years. You really have to steel yourself for it, and it's difficult every single time. But I love it so much, and a good heaping portion of that love is all about Ellen Burstyn. It's one of my absoulte favorite performances ever, if not THE greatest I've ever seen. I can't really put into words how incredible I think she is.

The last time I watched it, my boyfriend was watching it with me, he'd seen it before, but when it got up to the scene I transcribed in this post he left the room and said he never wanted to watch the movie again. I felt awful, he went to the bedroom and was practically crying, and he - unlike myself - does not cry easily.

Barry said...

She is fucking brilliant and extraordinary, as I have already said. The best performance I have seen anyone give.

Stacie Ponder said...

I felt so completely drained and exhausted after watching this film. It's pretty relentless, and I found Sara's storyline to be the most gut-wrenching. But it's all so fucking well-done that I want to watch it again, but's like falling in love with someone knowing they're gonna break your heart. That should always come as a surprise.