Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Dunaway & Lee For Cowboys For Christ


Dunno how I've missed out on the existence of this project until now - seems like it would've grabbed me before today - but apparently writer/director Robin Hardy, he who made the original Wicker Man way back in 1973, has been looking to update the film (wipe your mind of that Nicolas Cage remake!) with a semi-different story, called Cowboys For Christ, and it is actually going to be shot this Fall. From Moviehole:

"Starring Christopher Lee and Faye Dunaway, the film tells of a Christian singing star and her chaste fiance, a Texas cowboy, who travel to Scotland for a music festival that is merely the curtain-raiser for a horrific pagan ritual of sacrifice and murder, and it's uncertain if the power of the Americans' Christian faith will be strong enough to survive the assault of the pagans."

They're casting for the leads still, so Dunaway and Lee are not playing the cowboy and his wife; I imagine they'll be the leading heathen couple (which, if my assumption is true, would mean Lee's kinda replicating his role in the original). But this sounds smashing. If Hardy can recapture the magic of The Wicker Man then we'll have something special to behold. Plus, it's nice to see Dunaway working. I miss her.


Anonymous said...

I miss her old face.

Anonymous said...

Well, I can see Faye Dunaway being insane.