Monday, July 09, 2007

Rogue Poster And Review

Lookie! It's a poster for Greg McLean's much-delayed giant-croc-thriller Rogue! Finally:

"Welcome to the Terrortory"? Seriously? That's their tag-line? Oh dear.

Anyway, they're also saying its overseas release date is now August 23rd, and there's still no word on a stateside release. Sigh. If I don't get to see this before year's out I'm coming for you, Harvey Weinstein.

And there's a positive review of the movie up at Dark Horizons, too. Says Drew:

"In going for a good time, old-fashioned monster movie, with none of the all-too-real terror of Wolf Creek, McLean knew he was inheriting a subgenre with strong conventions that can be the storyteller's best friend as well as worst enemy, but he gets the balance almost perfect in every regard."

1 comment:

Glenn Dunks said...

I like the poster! And, yeah, the tagline is naff. I'm not sure why they did a pun tagline (it's set in the Northern Territory).