Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Love Jen


I mean, I love to hate Jen. I mean... I am fascinated by Jen. How does a person like this exist on a day-to-day basis? How does a person like this make it to 23-years old without, I dunno, somebody pushing her in front of a train?

I really hope she lasts longer than her having isolated herself from every single person in the house would imply she's going to last. I hope she's there to the final two, and drives every single other person to drown themselves in the jacuzzi. I could watch her find new ways to be completely insane for the rest of time.


tony libido said...

omigod. why would you use that screen capture? jen has so many good screen captures and you pick that one? I'm really upset. oh god, I'm crying right now because you used that awful stupid screen capture. F*ck, her eyes aren't even open. And that's not even her favorite shirt. how could you use a screen capture without her favorite shirt. F*ck.

DL said...

I hate Jen. And yet, every time she says something, I can't help but laugh. So I'll admit - she's grown on me the past couple of days.

DL said...

No way man! That's the best screen capture ever.

Look at those veins....

Jason Adams said...

She's HYSTERICAL she's so clueless. And yet, then she does something that makes me question how clueless she is. And then she sprays crazy some more. I just... I can't even fathom her. She's like a prism of light that will drive us all to madness.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that show! Eric and Jessica til the end!

Joe R. said...

Yeah, I turned the corner on Jen this week. "Unfathomable" is about right. Her complete refusal to acknowledge anyone else's existence is not only sociopathic, it makes her such an unpredictable player. I'm kind of hoping the fact that everybody hates her will make her too much of an easy target and she'll hide in plain sight for a few weeks.