Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Darjeeling Trailer


Wes Anderson's next film, The Darjeeling Limited, has finally got a trailer (via Cinematical)! Per his always reliable (and thankfully so!) schtick, it looks like a play-land of art-direction; here are some screengrabs I took:

Darjeeling comes out in limited release on September 29th. Here's hoping it's more Royal Tenenbaums than Life Aquatic.


M said...

Omigod it's the battle of the noses!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, finally - someone who agrees with me that Life Aquatic just didn't sit well. I should probably try watching it again, but the first time all I could think about was the obvious formula to his movies showing through. His use of music in that was so predictable and stale. Life Aquatic wasn't necessarily bad, just not fresh.