Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beowulf's Hot


There are more pics and a good article on Robert Zemeckis' CG-3D adaptation of the classic tome Beowulf over at LAT. Including this fun tidbit from screenwriter Neil Gaiman (!!!):

"His knack for a good scrap is on show in one of the film's pivotal fight scenes when Beowulf battles Grendel in the nude, mano a beast-o. ("Bob asked if he had to be nude, but we said, 'It's in the poem,' " Gaiman explained.) So in a crafty bit of staging to allow a PG-13 rating, Beowulf's naughty bits are obfuscated by random objects in the foreground. It's more subtle and subdued, but shadows, swords, mead flagons and shoulders block all in a sequence not unlike the prankish cloaking device used in "Austin Powers" films."

Beowulf comes out on November 16th.

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