Monday, June 18, 2007

Will Watchmen Be As Gay As 300?


Anybody beginning to suspect director Zack Snyder's got an addiction to the sweet smell of testosterone? First he oils up a crowd of muscle men in leather diapers and zooms in on their painstakingly made-up abs for two hours, and now every name being bandied about for roles in Watchmen is hunkier than the last (Haley excepted - no offense intended - of course...). From AICN:

"... it was about a month ago that we broke the story that Keanu Reeves, Patrick Wilson, and Jude Law had all been offered significant roles in WATCHMEN. Since then, Keanu Reeves passed on the film, and the stories online make it sound like it was a simple matter of him not wanting to do it.

Not quite. Actually, Keanu priced himself out of the film, and Warner is (wisely) banking on the idea that Zack Snyder and the material are the real stars of this movie, the way they were for 300...

Paddy Consadine was a heck of a good choice for Rorschach, but I’m thrilled if it turns out to be true that Jackie Earle Haley’s going to be wearing the mask in the film now. Sure, it makes this a wee bit of a LITTLE CHILDREN reunion, but that’s fine. Both Wilson and Haley are great choices for their respective roles.

And now that Keanu’s not playing Dr. Manhattan, who is? Well, I know they flirted with Billy Crudup for a time, but my sources tell me that the favorite for the role now is Jason Patric, which I think is a hell of a good choice. In fact, that’s probably the best suggestion I’ve heard yet for Dr. Manhattan in all the years the film’s been bouncing around. Patric always seems to be slightly disconnected from the world, but he doesn’t come with any of the baggage that Keanu had.

The Comedian’s still up for grabs, too, but they’ve looked at everyone from Ron Pearlman to Nathan Fillion for the role. Right now, it sounds like there’s one actor who Snyder likes for the part, but I’m not at liberty to divulge his identity yet. Let’s just say it’s a “punishing” choice, and the actor brings a lot of comic book credibility to the role if he ends up playing it."

What I find weird is, from all I've read, we haven't heard the faintest whisper of who could be cast in the female roles (any ideas on who should play the Silk Spectres?) in the film. Just dude after dude after dude. And even the names that supposedly aren't making it - Keanu, Fillion, Crudup - are swooners. I guess just more reason to love Zack Snyder's success, I suppose. He fills the screen with copious manliness.

The sad part of this story is that the Watchmen remain clothed for the whole story... well, except for Doctor Manhattan of course, who's naked the entire time. The again, he's also gigantic and blue. Wonder if they'll go the CG/capture route with his body and Patric will just be the voice and movements, ala the Silver Surfer?

1 comment:

Jwise said...

You had me at Patrick Wilson