Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Quote of the Day


Have Eli Roth's fears come to fruition already? Has Hostel: Part II's (relative) box-office damnation killed the R-rated horror movie? Will I stop asking rhetorical questions I myself find idiotic? Will Brittany Snow, Actress Extraordinaire, and star of the Prom Night remake please say what she has to say about her movie and make me stop? From Cinematical:

"It's just taking the same name as Prom Night the original, but it's a different script. It's actually more in the vein of Fear, with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg.... It's more of a thriller. There's no blood, guts or gore."

Yay, more in the vein of Fear! Does that mean somebody's getting fingered while riding on a rollercoaster? Will a dog's decpitated head will be slipped through its doggie-door? Seriously, Fear is awesome for those moments - and for Alyssa Milano's CLASSIC camp performance - alone, but this is Prom Night! I want schlock, and I want a ten-minute dance sequence that has nothing to do with the plot slapped in the middle. I don't want Fear 2: More Fear, But the Bloodless Sort, and with Terrible Actors in Rented Tuxes. I mean, wasn't this the plot of a recent episode of One Tree Hill? Gah.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but....does she WANT people to watch it?

"There's no blood, guts or gore."

Well, I'm sold. It sounds really exciting

Ross said...

This sounds horrible! If you're gonna rip off Fear, then why not just remake Fear?