Monday, June 18, 2007

Quote of the Day

After Dark Films' producer Courtney Solomon in an interview at Cinematical, where he addresses Eli Roth's disses and says of the controversy over the ad campaign for Captivity:

"I'm known as being one of the racier marketers in Hollywood and I will continue to be that way. The audience we have for these movies, ya know they wanna see as much as they can to entice them to go see the film and be able to show them the stuff that they're going to see the film for. And we have to try to push the limits that way, not run and cower. Because that brings us to a different issue -- and it's not exactly legally correct -- but your first ammendment rights. People can choose what they want to go see, and we have the freedom -- within limits and guidelines -- to show stuff appropriately. Now I always said that, at the end of the day, the billboards went a step too far; I've never denied that. That being said, I'm not going to back down, do things simply, and make it like we live in some sort of utopia because we don't. What happens in Captivity does happen. Should children be looking at it? No, of course not, that's why it's rated R. But on the other side, should we be brushing it under the carpet, saying people don't get abducted and there aren't these sick serial killers out there? No. But what I really want to know -- is Eli lending people that prosthetic?"

1 comment:

Glenn Dunks said...

That sounds confused. He's saying kids shouldn't see his movie, yet they can see the marketing which, in his words, went too far.
