Thursday, June 21, 2007

I Am Brief Link

Still sorting out stuff after the Great Laptop Robbery of 2007; so my brain's a bit twisted and I'm not up to par so a couple bits that should be up by now - namely this week's installment of my Thursday's Ways Not To Die series and a look at all the spots I visited in San Francisco from Hitchock's Vertigo - are delayed... I apologize, and will do them once I've reorganized my brain. But for now, here are a couple links to get us through the afternoon...

--- Horror's bad rap - Over at Gameplayer, here's a terrific look at the lack of critical respect that genre, specifically Horror, film and literature gets - a topic which I strangely enough was feeling really strongly about yesterday and almost posted a rant of my own about after reading this review of Hostel: Part II here that Nat at TFE linked to. I probably shouldn't have gotten so angry at the review, which was done with great wit I might've found funny if directed elsewhere, but what can I say, short fuse week continues on my part.

--- Battlestar Rejects - Meant to link to this one yesterday, but AICN posted some spoilery rumors about Razor, that Battlestar Galactica movie that's airing this Fall... but seriously, don't read it unless you're feeling the intense burn of BSG's absence, because it does delve into spoiler territory. I couldn't help myself though.

--- Cuthbert's Animal Magnetism - First Elisha Cuthbert escaped a mountain lion on 24, and now she's got to deal with grizzly bears? Poor thing. Maybe she should switch deodorants?


Barry said...

I agree with you on Hostel: Part 2 100 % in what you said and the grade you gave to it.

I liked the first one better than it, but Part 2 is still a good movie nonetheless.

Jason Adams said...

Yeah, this whole "it's a terrible movie, a total flop" reaction that's spread round the web has gotten on my nerves, because it's neither. It'll easily have made money even before DVD and then it'll make even more. And i's not terrible, it's pretty good actually. The scene that had everybody up in arms, the Heather Matarazzo hanging upside scene, is I think the most successful part of the movie, and the review I linked to in this post dismisses her character as far more of a stereotype than I think the film ever turns her into, and that was the primary force of the review annoying me. Her death is not a joke, it's the most horrible and upsetting scene in the film, or it was for me. If this author saw it as a joke on the so-called "geek bitch" then this author's got some hang-ups of their own.