Monday, June 04, 2007

The Greatest Movie...

... in which fifty-four happily singing students
throw themselves, hand in hand,
in front of a speeding subway train?

Suicide Club (2002), by Sion Sono

It also involves a large roll of stitched-together human skin,
a bowling alley littered with people writhing in sacks,
and a hallway, the floor covered with baby chicks,
where a man shaves off people's backs with a belt-sander.

Think David Lynch meets eats Takashi Miike.


Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to see that

Jason Adams said...

It's been a couple of years since I saw it, and I just remember being dumgfounded by how just out there it was. Super odd, and I think a lot of it was odd just to be odd. Which does have its merits.

Jason Adams said...

Make that "dumBfounded"...