Oh my lord. The following is NSFW. EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARILY NSFW. But I'm posting it in all its glory, because this... well, because. From NY Mag, via Defamer, scroll down, or skip very quickly if you are at work and can't look at EXTREMELY, EXTRAORDINARILY, SUPER-DUPER VERY MUCH NSFW IMAGES. I was gonna post an edited version, but wtf-ever, it's a fake dick (Roth is Jewish, after all!) and I post enough violence to warrant some schlong to even things out...
ETA Okay, I've censored the pic.
Honestly, I just got tired of looking at the picture,
it was grossing me out.
You can still see it here, though,
in all its NSFW, veintastic glory.
Here's my censored version:
.Honestly, I just got tired of looking at the picture,
it was grossing me out.
You can still see it here, though,
in all its NSFW, veintastic glory.
Here's my censored version:
It's much hotter censored anyway, without having to see that fake-monstrosity.
It's from a book by photographer Tim Palen, who's done a bunch of horror posters, called Guts: The Art of Marketing Horror Films, that comes out in July. Check out what Palen has to say about the shot at NY Mag.
And I personally can't really say anything about that shot. I am... beyond speechless.
Yeah, I mean, what else does one say?
Oh my...that's just, oh my...
Hm, I wonder if he took that thing home with him.
It looks like...well, remember the Rodents of Unusual Size?
I could never forget the ROUS!
But that reminds me - why have I never posted on my total adoration of The Princess Bride? It's been years since I've seen it though. I need to watch it RIGHT NOW.
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