Saturday, June 02, 2007

Eli Roth Ejaculates Blood


Oh my god, how have I never seen the above picture before? Eli Roth and Takashi Miike weilding chainsaws together! Orgasm. Speaking of...

Well, it's official. I owe Steven at The Horror Blog my second born child (sorry, Steven, Satan's long held dibs on numero uno; what? I was supposed to not get all the Garbage Pail Kids I wanted?), cuz he sent me this link to a recent episode of Loveline, the radio sex/love/etc. chat show, in which MNPP-director-obsession Eli Roth was the guest. Like I told Steven, I didn't realize how empty my life had been until I heard Eli Roth say the word erection like twenty times a minute.

What else do we learn about Mr. Roth therein?

1 - His bar mitzvah was horror-movie themed and involved him being cut in half with a chainsaw. (I think I already knew this factoid)
2 - He threw up at every horror movie his parents took him to, including The Exorcist, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Road House.
3 - He really wanted to include a shot of a male ejaculating blood in Cabin Fever.

Oh, and there are many, many more wondrous things to hear, so check it out.

Also, check out The Horror Blog, the new Horror Roundtable is up, where we were asked to name a movie monster we don't think gets the props it deserves... if you look up at my new banner there are the top you'll see my answer.


Anonymous said...

hehehehe...Martin Brest

Anonymous said...

Good Lord....Meet Joe Black AND Gigli! what the hell!

Anonymous said...

what an...erm, 'interesting' filmography