Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quote of the Day

Ah, Bijou Phillips. She is such a charmer. Via D-Listed, here are her feelings on the Czech people that just hosted her for the filming of Hostel: Part II in their country:

"The people in the Czech Republic are fucking assholes. Every person from every country that has gone to the Czech Republic thinks the people there are assholes."

Well, Eli Roth likes to play up the "Ugly American" thing with his films; maybe she's just stayed in character? Uh huh.


SamuraiFrog said...

I was once deeply in love with a Czech woman. In a high school way, but still. We went to the prom together. She was an exchange student, but her host family were actually her aunt and uncle. They had escaped the Soviet invasion in the sixties and were among the nicest people I've ever met in my life.

I have heard that Bijou Phillips is a fucking asshole and an entitled little bitch, but that would be mean to point that out.

Jason Adams said...

I hope Glenn doesn't catch me saying this, he'll think I'm a sick fuck like Eli Roth (or more than he already does), but honestly I'm looking forward to Bijou being tormented in Hostel 2. And if that's wrong then yes I am a sick fuck so be it.

Unknown said...

Wow, she's so classy

Glenn Dunks said...

No, I completely concur. Cut the useless bitch for all I care. I don't care to see it necessarily, but god I hate her.

I personally loved that whole story about how Larry Clark exploited her when he filmed her vagina without telling her and it's like, bitch plz, you relish any chance you get to show it off. She probably told him to do it.