Monday, May 07, 2007

Quote of the Day

On a weekend when Spider-Man 3 made 3000 Trillion dollars, I don't know that an article defending The Blockbuster needed to be written, but Manohla Dargis at The New York Times did just that. Sayeth she:

"But just because a movie blows stuff up doesn’t mean it automatically stinks. A good blockbuster, like the recent Bond flick Casino Royale, takes you places you might never otherwise go and shows you things you could never do. It brings you into new worlds, offers you new attractions. It takes hold of your body, making you quiver with anxiety, joy, laughter, relief. When great blockbusters sweep you up and away — I’m thinking about watching The Matrix for the first time with a few hundred other enraptured souls — they usher you into a realm of communal pleasure. In a culture of entertainment niches, they remind you of what going to the movies can still be like."

I certainly, obviously, don't disagree.

But I dunno, she maybe could've written this article last week, before better movies got stampeded in Spidey's wake. I'm not feeling especially benevolent for the big studio's feelings today.

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