Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pics of the Day

This is off my usual beat, but I found these so striking I had to share - these are some pictures of the underground subway stations in Stockholm, Sweden (via Andrew Sullivan):

Seeing these made me want to buy a plane ticket right now to check these out (though I'm sure Stockholm probably has other wonders above-ground that'd be nifty too, right?). Anyone been there and seen these?

Anyway, check out that link, there are loads more pictures to see. Why can't the NYC stations be this amazing? I spend my mornings gaping at rats scuttling through muck in-between rails, which is... a different sort of beauty, I suppose.


about a boy said...

those are awesome. for a moment i thought they were fake.


Jason Adams said...

I posted the pics because my boyfriend's been to Stockholm and I wanted to know, from him, if they actually look that amazing.

And once he finally got back to me, yes, apparently the shots are a little extra-dramatic but mostly it really is that cool down there.