Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pic of the Day


The above picture is from this article at the NY Times about a film program playing in Brooklyn regarding the Garrel family and their contribution to French cinema blah blah blah all I can think looking at this picture is that the following is the conversation going on between Louis Garrel (left) and (super-hot) Romain Duris (right), dubbed into the terrible approximation of broken English their imaginary conversation sounds like in my head, of course:

Louis: I em zoooo French, look at me weeth my curazy greezy hahr and I em zoooo pale. I might efen be holding a ceegahrette in the hahnd you ahr not zeeing, eh-heh-heh?

Romain: You ahr nohwer az French az I em! I em named efter ze lettuce, zee? Ahnd I haff lotsamore curazy unhwashed hahr than you. Naht to mentionz az well I haff all thees curazy facial hahr! All you haff ez zee molez!

Louis: Exactly! Ze molez are zuper duper French, har har!

Romain: Get your ztupeed ahrm off me. I weel totally make out weeth my zisteer.


J.D. said...

Wow that's racist. Good job!

Jason Adams said...

I was gonna photoshop one of those sticks of bread and maybe a mime into the background but i thought that'd be overkill. maybe i was wrong?

Glenn Dunks said...

Who cares, Romain Duris is so sexy (and I sound like a 15-year-old girl then, but whatever)